Collect and Evaluate Proposals

K-Review helps institutions to become more productive to select the right projects.

K-Review is designed for institutions partnership
which co-fund projects selected by a co-evaluation process.

Hosted solution

K-Review takes care of all the technical part. An entire virtual web server is dedicated to your website. This means that the resources are not shared, you keep it all. This provides performance and security.

Custom domain

K-Review offers by default a free personal sub domain. However, if you have purchased your own domain, we can help you to link this domain to our K-Review platform.

Security & Backup

Firewall, monitor notifications, backup, complex password policy, transactions with strong encryption SSL certificat. At K-Review, we do our best to keep your data safe.

Mobile friendly

Your users will be able to navigate on your website with their mobile, laptop, tablet or PC. K-Review provides an adaptable layout that fits any device.

Privacy & GDPR

K-Review is designed with privacy in mind and do not communicate with third-party services in any form (exception: licensing). K-Review do not sell your data. You own your data and you can export it at anytime.

Support & Documentation

For any questions related to the set up or the use of the platform, you can contact the support or consult the documentation.

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    Unlimited partnerships

    Create as many partnerships as you want with one or several other partners.

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    Unlimited campaigns

    Create as many campaigns (call for proposals) per partnership as you want. Several calls can be open at the same time.

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    Duplication system

    Need to create a new partnership or campaign? Don't repeat all the set up, save time by duplicate an existing one.

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    Page builder

    Build and design public pages easily with page builder and modules of pre-made content.

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    PDF & CSV export

    K-Review allows your evaluators to export their proposals as a PDF file and managers to export proposals and their metadata as CSV file.

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    Automated notifications

    Candidates can add other project's participants and K-Review send an automatic e-mail to notified and allow them to access and edit the project.

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    Easy publication

    Publish the selected projects in one click. A search engine and tags system allow users to filter and retrieve a project easily.

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    Co-evaluate projects with your partners. A weighting system first calculates average score by institutions before to calculate the final score.

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    Proposals overview

    A clean and readable tab displays all your proposals with different metadata to help you choose the rights projects.

Panel: user profile page
Manager panel: page builder
Front end: register form
Private front page: proposals overview
Maintenance contract
You only pay for the months you use the platform.
per month

1 partnership
1 call at a time
per month

1 partnership
Unlimited simultaneous calls
per month

Unlimited partnerships
Unlimited simultaneous calls
This price include:
  • Server location
  • Server install
  • Server setup
  • Server backup
  • Server maintenance
  • Server monitoring
  • Application install
  • Application setup
  • Application backup
  • Application maintenance
  • User License Agreement
  • SSL Let's Encrypt certificate
  • Email notifications provider
  • User and technical support
Web server specifications
Virtual Private Server
2 Go Memory
55 Go SSD
2000 GB Bandwith
About & Contact
As an independent web consultant, I build web application for different institutions in the Educational and Health sector since 1998.

K-Review has been designed after years of experience and collaboration with the University of Geneva - International Affairs Department.

I'm selling my service to host, install, setup and maintain K-Review for all institutions interested in developing partnerships and collecting/evaluating proposals.

Gilles Vauvarin

Last collaborations

Interrested by K-Review
Ask for a demo ...
Frequently Ask Questions

Yes, we can create and set up a demo platform for you for a few days. Do do so, send an email at to get to know each other and we will communicate your credentials.

K-review is a web application hosted on a dedicated virtual private server. Each customer has its own server. The maintenance contract corresponds to a half day of work per month to cover all the operational tasks.

As a web consultant, I work with a Swiss Payroll Company named Helvetic Payroll. Helvetic Payroll is based in Geneva and manages all social security contributions, taxes and administrative procedures on my behalf.

You will be invoiced annually by Helvetic Payroll on my behalf.

For more information about Helvetic Payroll, you can consult this page: "The umbrella structure"

The maintenance contract include:

  • Server location *
  • Server install
  • Server setup
  • Server backup
  • Server maintenance
  • Server monitoring
  • Application install
  • Application setup
  • Application backup
  • Application maintenance
  • User License Agreement
  • SSL Let's Encrypt certificate
  • Email notifications provider
  • User and technical support

(*) Web server specifications

Virtual Private Server
2 Go Memory
55 Go SSD
2000 GB Bandwith

Yes, you can accept unlimited users on your platform however the number of simultaneous users your server is able to support depends on the power and availability of it.

By default, the server has the following specifications and should be enough in most cases:

Virtual Private Server
2 Go Memory
55 Go SSD
2000 GB Bandwith

All K-Review servers are monitored. If the traffic of your platform exceeds the server's capacities, you will be notified and it will be possible to increase the server's capacities. You will be provided with a quote to support the new capabilities of your server.

Configurations & Prices:

4 Go Memory
80 Go SSD
3000 GB Bandwith
(+ CHF 25 /month)

8 Go Memory
160 Go SSD
4000 GB Bandwith
(+ CHF 45 /month)

16 Go Memory
320 Go SSD
5000 GB Bandwith
(+ CHF 100 /month)

32 Go Memory
640 Go SSD
6000 GB Bandwith
(+ CHF 200 /month)

16 CPU
64 Go Memory
1280 Go SSD
10000 GB Bandwith
(+ CHF 400 /month)

24 CPU
96 Go Memory
1600 Go SSD
15000 GB Bandwith
(+ CHF 780 /month)

K-Review is designed with privacy in mind and do not communicate with third-party services in any form (exception: licensing, see below). There are no trackers, no analytics and no cookies except those related to sessions and user management.

K-Review usually do not store or process any personal data of your site visitors. However, here is a list of K-Review features that process data and some general information about where personal data might get stored.

User handling & the Panel

User data gets stored in account files within an "accounts" directory. K-Review will create a session cookie to keep track of the currently logged in user by the login form.

The user credentials are transmitted via HTTP. Therefore, K-Review use TLS encryption for your platform to protect the passwords and other personal data of your visitors and users.

The Panel also stores unsaved changes in localStorage in the user’s browser.

Brute-force protection

To protect the Panel login against brute-force attacks, K-Review temporarily stores a shortened SHA256 hash of the IP address on login failures. This hash cannot be converted back to the raw IP address. You can control the number of possible trials before brute-force protections kicks in and the time span for which this data is stored in your config settings.

Language detection

If K-Review use the languages.detect option on a multilang plateform, K-Review also creates a session cookie to keep track of the visitor’s language. This option is disabled by default.

csrf() helper

K-Review use a csrf helper function which creates a session cookie so that the helper can validate the CSRF token in a later request.


K-Review use Kirby as framework development system and pay a license for each platform installation. To register this license, the Panel connects to the Kirby licensing server once to verify the license. When K-Review register your platform license, the following information is transmitted to the Kirby server:

the entered license key
the address connected to the license key (K-Review email)
the domain of the k-Review installation

No other personal or site data is transmitted to our server.


All the users data are backuped.


K-Review sets up all its Linux servers following industry's best practices.


All servers managed by K-Review are behind a configured firewall. K-Review blocks all incoming traffic towards your server but the strictly needed for managing and running the services it hosts

Security updates:

K-Review sets up unattended security updates on all servers he manages. This is the most convenient way to apply the latest patches for known vulnerabilities on your servers.

Attack surface:

K-review only installs the software that each server really needs. In this way, K-Review minimizes the attack surface thus reducing the likelihood of compromising your server.


K-Review sets up your websites to be served using the HTTPS secure protocol. We use Let's Encrypt automatic certificate. K-Review will issue and renew free Let's Encrypt certificates for your websites automatically.

Private data control

Each user of a K-Review platform has access to its data and is able to modify or delete them via its own personal account using its own credentials.